Issue Position: Where I Stand

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

I am for secure borders. We should strongly oppose those who come here illegally and who threaten our national security and economic security.

I am for a strong military for the sole purpose of national defense in accordance with our Constitution. Our military should not be the world's police force.

I am for free markets. Bad management and bad investments should not be rewarded or bailed-out with tax dollars, ever.

I am for constitutionally limited federal government. The "commerce clause" does not authorize the federal government to control everything.

I am for strong state and local governments. State and local governments can best determine what is needed in their communities.

I am for returning to the states, public land currently held by the Federal Government. The Federal Government should only hold the land specifically described in the Constitution.

I am for the repeal of the 16th Amendment.

I am for the repeal of the 17th Amendment.

I am for changing the 14th Amendment so children born of illegal immigrants are not automatically granted United States citizenship.

I am for energy independence and the development of other energy sources (nuclear, solar, wind).

I am for term limits for every elected office. Serving the people is a temporary privilege and should never become a career that excludes everything else.
